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Week 15 Prompt Response

The beauty of public libraries to me is that they have the flexibility to never be stagnant. There are always opportunities to create new displays, shift around parts of the collection/shelving, experiment with programs & clubs, and a constant intake of new materials to work with and promote. Here are some ways I would like to promote a library’s fiction collection: 1)   Inspired by last week’s prompt response, I would create a permanent display area entirely devoted to displaying genre-specific titles on a rotating, bi-weekly or monthly basis. The display would feature main tier genres and specific sub-genres. Would be helpful to rotate around in the adrenaline, intellect, landscape, and emotion genres. It offers the opportunity to highlight genres that don’t get the spotlight at much, like LGBTQ and Urban Fiction. It offers the opportunity to display all genres and subgenres in a way that’s inviting to seekers of those genres, but in a way that’s consistently changing to

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